Another HL7 FHIR DevDays is upon us, and like everything else the event has gone virtual. proudly supports, one of our FHIRBall founding partners, in making this great event come alive online. AEGIS presents at FHIR DevDays to support the FHIR Community Vision to enable health interoperability through the use of FHIR and deliver improvements in healthcare provision throughout the world.
On Thursday Richard Ettema will be sharing his knowledge and experience in a session at DevDays focused on validating HL7 FHIR Implementation Guides and advancing their maturity using the built-in validation tools that are part of the FHIR specification.
Richard’s session will teach attendees about the necessary components of a FHIR Implementation Guide and how to publish the guide once complete. He will show developers how they can build and validate their work using HL7 FHIR validation engines and tools readily available to the industry.
He will also demonstrate how the Da Vinci Project has established testing using the FHIR TestScript resource and the Touchstone platform in order to validate their Reference Implementations. Several healthcare payers have built interoperable systems to meet the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Interoperability Rule in Reference Implementations and pilot projects. The project represents one of the first full-cycle FHIR Accelerators to leverage the specification.
“The unique thing about the FHIR specification is that the validation layer is built right into the spec,” says Richard. “For organizations wanting to build seamless integration across APIs, it is necessary to use the FHIR Conformance Resources.”
Richard Ettema is a Lead Touchstone Architect for AEGIS has more than 36 years IT industry experience and has been focused on HL7 FHIR specification testing full time for the past seven years.