Timothy Barlotta has become a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM). Scrum is an agile software development framework where work is structured in cycles called sprints. As the Scrum Alliance states,
“The simple rules of Scrum allow for continual inspection, adaptation, self-organization, and emergence of innovation. This can produce an exciting product for the customer, develop high team spirit and satisfying work, generate high productivity and customer satisfaction, and achieve the market and financial goals of the company. As a result, Scrum is being widely adopted worldwide in companies large and small, localized or distributed, open source or proprietary, for virtually any type or size of project.”
Scrum recognizes that during a project customers change their minds about their needs and wants and allows for reacting to these changes. The ScrumMaster is a facilitative team leader working to ensure the team is functional and productive, and that the Scrum process is followed.
ScrumMaster certification is obtained from the Scrum Alliance. The Scrum Alliance is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote increased awareness and understanding of Scrum. AEGIS is strongly committed to leading edge IT methodologies such as Scrum as well as our staff’s pursuit of the professional certifications that objectively demonstrate that commitment.