CIO Review’s 20 Most Promising Healthcare Consulting Providers edition published in October features AEGIS Founder and Senior Vice President, Mario Hyland, or “@Interopguy” as he’s known in the Twitter universe. Mario was interviewed by CIO Review and provided his insights as to how better testing of health IT systems leads to improved patient safety. In the article, he discusses the AEGIS Developers Integration Lab (DIL) and how it provides a comprehensive assessment of interoperability.
“DIL goes far beyond happy path testing. It applies ‘negative testing,’ meaning it tests for those real-world conditions that are not supposed to happen – but do. They are the things that happen in the middle of the night when a patient is being rushed in to the ER and the IT support guys are not around. Systems that test interoperable through the DIL have a much better chance of remaining interoperable when it counts – when lives are on the line.”
Read the whole article in the online edition of CIO Review.