The latest issue of the AEGIS newsletter is now available once again featuring content from Gartner Research. In this edition, we highlight Gartner’s “Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends for Government” by Rick Howard published in April. That list includes Scalable Interoperability and mentions AEGIS’ name. Check it out!
We’ve also included in this issue a few “Best of” articles from this blog – ones that have captured a good deal of attention so far this year including:
- Our model for an Interoperability Scorecard and how that can help the industry
- A first person perspective on health information interoperability that generated good discussion on our comment board
- AÂ run down of some big events AEGIS has been involved with in 2015 and plans for the rest of this year in to 2016
I hope you will take a few minutes to skim through the newsletter and leave your comments below!