, Inc. continues to be out in front at industry events and conference educating the health IT community on the importance of testing. Last week Mario Hyland, Senior Vice President and Founder of, Inc., attended and participated in the eHI 2015 Annual Conference: Interoperability – Building Consensus Through the 2020 Roadmap hosted by eHealth Initiative. The conference brought together the most influential leaders from across the healthcare spectrum to discuss critical issues related to the use of data and technology to improve healthcare for all Americans. The conference was attended by hundreds of participants from professional societies, patient advocacy groups, payers, health systems, pharmacies, labs, medical device manufacturers and many other key constituencies. Sessions focused on creating interoperable systems for new care delivery models, with a strong emphasis on supporting transitions of care.
AEGIS was selected to participate in the Interoperability Workgroup Kick-Off Meeting. Our role and participation at the conference allowed us to collaborate with industry and advance the eHI Interoperability Workgroup. Our focal points stated at the conference were to highlight the need to improve interoperability testing. The Interoperability Workgroup with support from the eHI 2020 Roadmap participants will continue to work with a wide array of leading associations, organizations, and key federal agencies to advance that goal.
Key takeaways from the conference included:
- AEGIS was joined by the American Hospital Association (AHA) and American Medical Association (AMA) voicing the need for more testing.
- Keynote speaker John Glaser, Senior Vice President at Cerner, spoke to the health IT community on accelerating innovation through organizations like HL7 where they have launched the Joint Argonaut Project to Advance the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard. AEGIS is an integral author and contributor to the FHIR Development efforts.
- Micky Tripathi, PhD, President and CEO, Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative, eHealth Initiative Board Member participated on the Interoperability Workgroup and discussed Creating an Ecosystem to Support API-based Interoperability. His comments centered-around managing the HIPAA consent to share across the care continuum where patient identification and provider communications are critical to match content and abide by privacy requirements.